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Air humidification & Covid


Air humidity is a decisive factor for the spread of the corona virus. This has been proven by a study by the Indian-German TROPOS Institute, among others. It has been clearly demonstrated that ...

... the spread of the corona virus via aerosols indoors is strongly influenced by humidity.

... the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 spreads more readily indoors at low humidity.

... regular monitoring of indoor air is recommended by the researchers of the TROPOS Institute in Leipzig and the CSIR National Physical Laboratory in New Delhi.

... tiny drops of 5 micrometres in diameter - as produced when speaking - can float in the air for up to nine minutes.

... at a relative humidity of less than 40 %, the particles emitted by infected persons absorb less water, remain lighter, fly further through the room and are inhaled by healthy people.

... at higher humidity levels the droplets grow faster, fall to the ground earlier and are less available to be inhaled by healthy people.

... the research team recommends a humidity of at least 40 % in public buildings.

... a relative humidity of 40 to 60 % can reduce the spread of viruses and their absorption through the nasal mucous membrane.

... it is very important for the containment of the COVID 19 pandemic to create and implement standards for indoor humidity in rooms with many people (such as hospitals, open-plan offices or public transport).

... cited researchers recommend good indoor ventilation in addition to wearing masks.

So, now is the right time to invest in air humidification and a healthy climate!


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